INDL 8 conference
10-12 September 2025, Bologna

Call for papers of INDL-8
Contesting Digital Labor: Resistance, counteruses, and new directions for research
Bologna, 10-12 September, 2025
- Emerging forms of individual and collective action in digitally mediated work
- Workers’ resistance to algorithms
- Technology as a tool for worker organizing and collective action
- Legal frameworks, regulatory initiatives, and institutional responses
- Algorithmic management and labor control
- Platform cooperativism and alternative business models
- Platformisation and precariousness
- Gender and digital labor
We also welcome submissions for a “Starting Topics” series, focusing on three emerging and currently under-researched areas that have the potential to drive meaningful progress in the field:
- the psycho-social and health-related risks of platform work
- the environmental challenges appertaining to digital labor
- the experiences, identities, purposes and viewpoints of the other “side” of the platforms, composed by clients and employers.
We invite contributions from both confirmed and more junior academic researchers (also including PhD students), and from all professionals involved in the study of these themes, also including labor organizers and other practitioners. All disciplines involved in the study of labor and/or technology are welcome, for example economics, management, political science, law, sociology, psychology, history, geography, science & technology (STS) studies, media studies, design, and computer science.
Submission Guidelines:
- Have a maximum length of 400 words
- Be written in English
- Be submitted through the conference management system SciencesConf
- Your name and affiliation
- Title
- Abstract (including research objective, methodology, main findings and/or theoretical development, and where relevant, contribution to understanding worker organizing and resistance in digital labor)
- Through a drop-down menu, you will be asked to choose from among one of the 11 topics mentioned above (the four Current, the four Legacy, and the three Starting).
- You have the option to add a comment or a supporting file if needed.
Abstract submission deadline: April 27, 2025
- Registration fees and discounts
- Scholarships for Registration
- Scholarships for lodging and meals
- Logistical information
INDL-8 program
Practical Information about Bologna
INDL-8 Scientific Committee
INDL-8 Keynotes
- Keynote 1
- Keynote 2
- Keynote 3
- Keynote 4
- Keynote 5
- Keynote 6
Mark Graham
University of Oxford
Action Research in the Digital Economy: The Fairwork Project
Though the digital platform economy in some contexts has created new employment opportunities, work in the platform economy has been widely criticized for its often precarious and exploitative character. One central mechanism through which digital platforms construct and conceal exploitative employment relations are information asymmetries among platforms, workers, and consumers. These information asymmetries are created through, among other things, a lack of transparency on how platforms allocate work, calculate payments, and use customer reviews for incentive structures and other rating-based work outcomes. Against this backdrop, the Fairwork project conducts action research to tackle these information asymmetries. In this talk, I introduce the Fairwork project and provide critical insights into our engagement with platforms as an action research strategy. I explain how this action research strategy can be effectively deployed both in the gig economy, and across the supply chains of AI.
Professor of Internet Geography at the Oxford Internet Institute and Research Affiliate in the University of Oxford’s School of Geography and the Environment, among other institutions. Mark leads a range of research projects spanning topics between digital labour, the gig economy, internet geographies, and ICTs and development. Together with colleagues on three continents, Mark, with a group of labour lawyers and labour sociologists, has founded the participatory action research project called Fairwork, which has now grown to an international project team of over 200 people in 39 countries. It has brought together key stakeholders around the world – including workers, trade unions, platforms, and policymakers – to set minimum fair work standards for the gig economy. Mark also leads the ‘Digital Inequality Group‘ of researchers at Oxford. His research has focused on digital entrepreneurship and the ways that conditions in African cities shape practices of local entrepreneurs (as part of a large project about African ‘knowledge economies‘), and on how the internet can impact production networks (of tea, tourism, and outsourcing) in East Africa, and asked who wins and loses from those changes. He serves as editor of the journal Environment and Planning A, and as an editorial board member of Information, Communication & Society; New Technology, Work and Employment; Geo: Geography and Environment; Global Perspectives; Digital Geography and Society; Work Organisation, Labour and Globalisation; and the Weizenbaum Journal of Digital Society.

Rafael Grohmann
University of Toronto
Pedagogies of Struggles:
How Workers are Learning to Govern Platforms and AI
Around the world, workers are trying to build collectivities while dealing with platforms and artificial intelligence (AI). Whether in cooperatives, unions, associations, and other collectives, workers are learning to govern these technologies through bargaining and/or technology development. This talk will emphasize the importance of understanding the pedagogies of struggles in the digital labor landscape, as aspects of class struggles. No one is born an organizer, and no one is born knowing all the risks and possibilities of AI. How do workers collectively learn the meanings of platforms and AI? The presentation argues for the need to understand platform/AI governance from below, led by workers, and build on the Latin American tradition of educommunication for a better understanding of AI/platform literacy. The talk will show how Hollywood writers, the Homeless Worker Movement in Brazil, tech co-ops in Argentina and delivery workers in co-ops and unions in Brazil are learning to govern platforms and AI, as prototypes of organizing, amidst challenges, failures and experiments.
Rafael Grohmann is an Assistant Professor of Media Studies (Critical Platform Studies) at the University of Toronto. He is leader of the DigiLabour initiative and principal investigator of Worker-Owned Intersectional Platforms (WOIP). Grohmann is a Faculty Fellow at the Queer and Trans Research Lab / Bonham Centre for Sexual Diversity Studies (University of Toronto). He is researcher of Fairwork and Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab (P-WILL) project. He is also co-lead of Creative Labour and Critical Futures (CLCF) project. Grohmann is one of the founding editors of Platforms & Society journal and an editorial board member of Big Data & Society and Communication, Culture and Critique journals.

Ludmila Abilio
Universidade de Campinas, Brazil
The centralized and controlled dissemination of just-in-time work: Uberization as a global trend
We define uberization as a new form of labor control, organization, and management (Abílio, 2017). Although it takes shape and becomes recognizable primarily within platform work, it can be understood as a trend that permeates and pressures whole labor markets, especially in the South. We present three main features of uberization. 1) The transformation of workers into just-in-time workers (De Stefano, 2016; Berg,2016; Abílio, 2017). This is a centralized process, promoted by the oligopolies of a few companies, successfully subordinating, and managing large crowds of informal, available, just-in-time workers in a highly rationalized way. Algorithmic management provides the sociotechnical means for this management of workers as pure labor force (Abílio, 2019). 2) Informalization processes (Abílio, 2020), as a powerful synthesis of work flexibilization. It involves the loss of stable, regulated, and recognizable limits to work exploitation; the withdrawal of labor rights and guarantees; and the informal and dispersed transfer of risks and costs to the multitude of workers. 3) Subordinated self-management (Abílio, 2019), as the transfer of part of the management of work to the worker himself, albeit in a highly obscure and subordinated manner. The loss of boundaries of labor time, the non-contractual subordination (Zuboff, 2019), the transfer of unpaid costs and tasks to the worker, involves a rationality in which workers become responsible for intensifying the productivity of their work.
Based on more than 15 years of empirical research with informal and formal low-wage workers in Brazil, we argue that these elements, however, are not new for peripheral workers. The fabric of the Brazilian world of work is woven by life trajectories in a permanent transit between informal and formal work and popular entrepreneurship; of workers who face, resist, and adapt every day to instability, uncertainty, unfairness, and obscure and flexible rules, especially Black workers. In this way, at the center of uberization lies new forms of subordination and the centralized expansion of structural elements that make up the world of work and everyday lives of workers in the South (Abílio, 2017 and 2020)
We present the results of 12 years of empirical research with motorcycle delivery workers, based on interviews guided by life trajectory studies (Revel, 1998), and surveys on labor conditions and health. These studies have allowed us to closely follow the transformations of this work, new forms of control, and new forms of resistance.
Ludmila Costhek Abilio holds a degree in Social Sciences from the University of São Paulo, a Master’s in Sociology, and a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Campinas. She is currently an independent researcher affiliated with the Alameda Institute, where she coordinates comparative research on app delivery workers in Brazil and the UK. Over the last twenty years, she has been investigating informal work and its relation to capitalist accumulation in the Global South. Her main research areas focus are the uberization of work, new forms of management, organization, and control of labor, as well as the relationships between labor exploitation, financialization, and capitalist accumulation. This has made her one of the leading Brazilian references on the uberization of work.

Julieta Haidar
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Plataformas digitales: modelo de negocios y subjetividad trabajadora
Muchos son los estudios y consensos alcanzados en torno al trabajo de plataformas. Sin embargo a la fecha hay dos grandes tópicos que han sido analizados de forma insuficiente y con relativa simplificación: el modelo de negocios de las plataformas y la subjetividad de quienes trabajan. Mientras que sobre el modelo de negocios la afirmación generalizada es que las plataformas son empresas meramente “rentísticas”, en relación a la subjetividad trabajadora la perspectiva dominante es que las/os trabajadoras/es han sido ganadas/os por el discurso del “emprendedurismo”. La propuesta es revisar en forma crítica estas perspectivas, pensar nuevas aristas, categorías de análisis y metodologías para abordar ambos problemas.
Respecto al primer tópico, aquí entendemos que las plataformas son creadoras de mercados, dado que definen y organizan al menos cuatro aspectos que configuran un mercado con fines de lucro: mercantilización, membresía, gobernanza y monetarización. En este proceso las plataformas no sólo capturan valor en forma de renta, sino que a fin de captar más valor, intervienen activamente en la producción de ese valor. Promueven el intercambio, tienen injerencia en la producción de mercancías, arbitran precios. ¿Qué impactos tiene esto sobre la economía? ¿Y sobre las/os trabajadoras/es?
Respecto al segundo tópico, se identifican las valoraciones de las/os trabajadoras/es respecto a las plataformas, muchas de las cuales guardan correspondencia con el ideal del “emprendedor de sí”: ser autónomas/os y proactivas/os. Estas formulaciones, sin embargo, constituyen cosificaciones que reducen la complejidad de los sentidos y ocultan las tramas de su construcción. Los sentidos son ambiguos, tensionales y contradictorios, y están configurados por múltiples determinaciones, entre ellas la estructura socioeconómica y las trayectorias biográficas. ¿Cómo abordar estas complejidades? ¿Cómo incorporar estos sentidos contradictorios y multi determinados a la organización colectiva?
Julieta Haidar is Associate Researcher at the Argentinian Research Council in the Workers’ Innovation Centre (CITRA-CONICET) and Associate Professor at the University of Buenos Aires. She specializes in labour relations, focusing on the future of work, collective organization of workers, and the political economy of trade unionism. She has been Academic Director of the Trade Union Training School at CITRA-CONICET and Academic Director of the Fairwork project in Argentina. Her research, which focuses on work, subjectivities, and collective organization in both online and offline labor platforms, has positioned her as a leading expert on digital labor and the collective organization of platform workers in Argentina and Latin America. She has worked as consultant for the ILO on digital platforms, and published important articles on this topic, as well as the book “Work and Labour Relations in Global Platform Capitalism” along with Maarten Keune. Currently she is Research Fellow at the Internation Institute of Social Studies in the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

Antonio Casilli
Institute Polytechnique de Paris, France
Title: "Digital Workers, Some More Effort If You Wish To Become A Class For Yourself!" New Frontiers of Platform and AI Activism
Digital labor has become an enduring feature of the global economy and a defining aspect of our everyday lives. Over the past three decades, it has manifested in various forms—mediated by software-as-a-service, platforms, and mobile applications. While some groups of digital laborers, such as location-based gig workers and content moderators, have begun to forge international solidarity networks and mount large-scale campaigns for the recognition of their rights, the majority of digital occupations remain unrecognized and unprotected.
By dismantling the artificial divide between the conspicuous global consumption of digital products and the equally global yet inconspicuous production of those same products, we can better understand that digital labor involves not just tech workers, influencers, or Uber drivers, but entire communities of users and producers of technology. Drawing on Latin American perspectives and historical framings of labor, I explore how this growing phenomenon intersects with informality and coloniality, offering new ways to conceptualize it.
Various emerging policy frameworks are addressing the social embedding, environmental sustainability, and community governance of human labor in digital economies. In an era of widespread artificial intelligence production, these frameworks highlight the central role of labor while also offering new opportunities for activism and policy integration.
Antonio is full professor of sociology at the Institute Polytechnique de Paris. He is a by-fellow at Churchill College, University of Cambridge for the year 2024, and an associate researcher of the “Data, Algorithmic Systems and Ethics” research group at the Weizenbaum-Institut, Berlin. His main research foci are technologies, digital platforms, and digital labor. He has conducted fieldwork in Africa, Europe, Asia, and Latin America, and coordinated several international research projects. He is the co-founder of the DiPLab (Digital Platform Labor) research program and of the INDL (International Network on Digital Labor). Among his publications, Waiting for Robots. The Hired Hands of Automation (University of Chicago Press, 2024) and Qu’est-ce que le digital labor? ([What is digital labor?], Editions de l’INA, 2015; with D. Cardon). He has been featured in several international media outlets (Le Monde, Il Corriere, Arte, BBC, Wired, Times of India). To increase public access to academic study of technology, he has co-written two documentaries: “Invisible Clickworkers“ (2020) and “In the belly of AI” (2024), produced by the French national public television broadcaster.

The Data Workers’ Inquiry: Recentering Workers’ Epistemic Authority
Panelist: Milagros Miceli (Weizenbaum-Institute, DAIR, TU Berlin), Camilla Salim Wagner (Weizenbaum Institute / TU Berlin), Adio Dinika (DAIR), Krystal Kauffman (DAIR / Turkopticon), Alexis Chavez, Oskarina Fuentes.
The Data Workers’ Inquiry merges knowledge production with on-the-ground impact by centering workers as the source of epistemic authority and central agents of social change. The project is organized by scholars within research institutions who invite data workers, i.e., those who produce the data that fuels AI systems, to join as co-researchers. The co-researchers define research questions and lead investigative processes in their workplaces. By recognizing workers as experts, the project challenges traditional hierarchies of knowledge and centers the lived experiences of otherwise marginalized groups, shifting the focus of knowledge production.
In this panel, the project team will discuss methodological aspects and explore the limitations of the Workers’ Inquiry approach. The panel will include two data workers and project co-researchers from Venezuela and Colombia, who will delve into data work tasks, labor conditions, collaboration, and organization in the Latin American context. Together, they will discuss findings and explore resistance strategies, paths forward, and academic efforts to enhance workers’ empowerment and epistemic authority within complex knowledge/power networks.